Sumatra Harimau TigerPriceFrom $16.50Dark Roast - Single Origin Coffee12oz Bag chocolate, lemon, and olive; sweet with a tart acidity and smooth mouthfeel Farm: Several small producersRegion: North SumatraVariety: MandhelingAltitude: 1500 maslProcessing Method: Semi-washedGrindSelectDecafSelectQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
Sumatra Harimau TigerPriceFrom $16.50Dark Roast - Single Origin Coffee12oz Bag chocolate, lemon, and olive; sweet with a tart acidity and smooth mouthfeel Farm: Several small producersRegion: North SumatraVariety: MandhelingAltitude: 1500 maslProcessing Method: Semi-washedGrindSelectDecafSelectQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now